There are several versions of the Mack E7 Engine. You can find the mechanical and electronic versions.This article will address the common problem found in the Mack E7 mechanical engine.
The first issue found in the Mack E7 is rough idling, which is very common among these engines. This engine has a mechanical injection pump and mechanical injectors. When you have rough idling happening you might need to check the injection pump and injectors.
Sometimes rough idling can even be caused by a bad injection pump governor. The governor is controlling the idling and speed of the injection pump. Injectors should also not be neglected and checked.
Another common problem found is black smoke, which is caused by incomplete combustion.Incomplete combustion is a result of an imbalance in the fuel-to-air ratio in the engine. If any of the two, be it fuel or air, is in excess or deficient, then the engine will produce black smoke.
The fuel system must be checked; mainly the injectors and injection pump. Also check the air system, which includes the turbo, the intercooler, and the turbo hoses, for any leaks. If you’re looking for parts to repair your Mack E7 engine, ProDieselParts has got you covered.

Another common problem found in the Mack E7 engines is the lack of fuel in some injection pump lines. The engine uses an inline injection pump. With six cylinders, the injection also has 6 plungers to supply each cylinder. But sometimes one or two plungers may be bad, which causes fuel to not travel to the cylinder.
This problem can be solved by bleeding the phase that is not working or checking the injection pump valve of that plunger to see if it’s stuck. If it’s stuck then you can free it to restore fuel supply. Purchase injection lines for your Mack E7 engine here at ProDieselParts.
Broken injector tips: This can happen as a result of combustion or a foreign object hitting the injector tip in the cylinder.The solution to such a problem is to replace the broken injector tips so that the injector can do its job.
You can also experience an engine stall. This could happen at different intervals as the engine is running.When you encounter this kind of problem you should check the shutdown solenoid. The shutdown solenoid may have failed to work because it has become hot.
These are some common problems and solutions for the Mack E7 engine.
Learn more tips, tricks, solutions, and repairs on your Mack E7 engine with ProDieselParts Blogs.