Differences Between the CAT G399 and D399


Looking at the configuration of these 2 engines, there are a lot of similarities between them. In fact from the name there are also some similarities, one is “G” and the other is “D”.

Below are some differences between the G399 and D399 the engines.

1. Fuel: One of the notable differences between the two engines is the type of fuel they use. G399 uses natural gas while the D399 uses diesel. The G399 cannot run on diesel while the D399 cannot run on gas. The components of each fuel system are different from each other.

2. Ignition type: The two engines have different ignition systems. For example, the G399 uses the spark plugs to burn the gas/air mixture which is referred to as spark ignition.

The D399 is a diesel engine which uses a self-ignition. A diesel engine is called a self-ignition because there are no spark plugs to combust the fuel/air mixture.

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3. Engine components: There are some differences in the engine components. Although the two engines are internal combustion engines, they share some similarities in the components they use such as the pistons, crankshaft, camshaft, etc.
Yet some components are present in one and not in the other.

 The G399 uses spark plugs while D399 uses injectors.

Another component is magneto which is like a small generator that supplies current to the spark plugs. D399 rather uses an injection pump which supplies fuel to the injectors.

4. Emissions: Due to the differences in the types of fuel used by these two engines, the rate of emissions is also different. The G399 produces little to no emissions compared to the D399 running on diesel.

It is on this note that the G399 is considered to be more environmentally friendly than D399.

These are the common differences between the G399 and D399.

Purchase parts for your G399 and D399 at ProDieselParts.