Frequently Asked Questions About the Detroit Diesel 11.1 L Engine


The Detroit 11.1 L is a family of the Detroit diesel 60 series engine. It is one of the most used engines due to its size. Let’s talk about some frequently asked questions about the engine.

1. Can I replace only the faulty injectors on 11. 1L?

This is one of the most asked questions about the engine. The answer is no. It is unwise to only replace a damaged injector with other injectors with heavy mileage.
It is better to replace all the injectors rather than replace only a damaged one. The reason for that is that the other ones too are old and the fuel supply of the new injectors will not equal with the other ones.
You can only do it if the mileage of the injectors is still smaller.

2. What is Jakebrake and its function on 11.1L?

The engine has a system referred to as Jakebrake. The Jakebrake is a system that uses engine compression to slow down the engine in other to assist the truck braking system.

When the braking system is activated, the exhaust valve opens, which allows compression to escape and helps the engine to slow down.
The function of a Jake brake is to support the braking system in other to slow down the truck or the bus.

3. What makes an 11.1L fuel-efficient engine?

There is no doubt about the fuel efficiency of this engine, no wonder it dominated the bus industry. The secret of its fuel efficiency lies in the electronic fuel control.

The engine is one of the first of its kind to have a full electronic fuel control. This system offers the engine precision on the fuel system, which increases the fuel efficiency of the engine.

4. Is 11.1L a 2-stroke or 4-stroke engine?

The engine is a 4-stroke engine. Although many think the engine is a 2-stroke, in actual sense, it is a 4-stroke engine.

This means it runs with the principle of a 4-stroke engine by producing power at every 2 revolutions of the engine.

Being a 4-stroke engine makes the engine more environmentally friendly, and less prone to damage.


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5. Why was 11.1L used mostly in the bus industry?

The engine was introduced in 1987, and motorists were eager due to its unique design of having an overhead cam. Besides that, its ability to drive heavy-duty applications with the help of electronic fuel systems makes it a go for buses.
The fuel efficiency is another reason why the engine dominates the bus industry.

6. What usually causes the “stop engine” light to come up on the 11.1L?

What you should know is that the ‘Stop Engine’ light is a protection for you as a user. The light comes up when you have a situation such as low coolant, low oil pressure, or high oil temperature.
It is there to protect the engine from serious damage.

7. How many cylinders does 11.1L have?

The engine has 6 cylinders. It is an inline straight configuration of a 6-cylinder engine.

8. Is the Detroit Diesel 11.1L a good engine?

The answer is yes. This engine has been regarded as an amazing engine for heavy-duty vehicles. Although the engine is no longer in production, the available ones are still speaking volumes on how good the engine is.

9. Are spare parts available for 11.1L Engines?

Although the engine is no longer in production, yet there are available parts to keep maintaining the existing engine.
If you need any parts from this engine, contact us at ProDieselParts.

10. What is the size of the horsepower of the engine?

The engine is made to power heavy duty applications so it is range between 330bhp and 605bhp.