What Causes Overheating in Cummins 6.7L Engine?


One of the common problems of Cummins 6.7-L is engine overheating. These are most common causes of overheating in Cummins 6.7-L Engine:

1. Failed Thermostat: if the thermostat is bad it will definitely cause the engine to overheat, because it will prevent coolant circulation. This means the hot coolant is stuck in the engine without returning back to the radiator where it could have been cooled by the radiator and fan.
2. Damaged water pump: The function of the water pump is to ensure proper circulation of the coolant in the engine. A bad water pump prevents adequate circulation of coolant in the engine which results in overheating which can blow the head gasket and cause other damages to the engine.
3. Clogged radiator: The radiator can be clogged inside or outside. If the radiator is clogged inside, it prevents the radiator from containing sufficient coolant. But if the radiator is clogged outside, it means the air cannot pass through the radiator fin which will then lead to overheating.
4. Insufficient oil in the engine: The major function of oil in the engine is to provide lubrication. But you should also remember that oil also helps to control the engine overheating by preventing friction.
5. Broken fan belt: Cummins 6.7L has a fan belt that transfers the rotation force from the crankshaft to other components such as the water pump. So if the belt is broken, the crankshaft will be rotating but the water pump will not rotate because it is belt and not gear driven.
6. Insufficient coolant: If there is no sufficient coolant due to leaking or other reasons, the engine is going to overheat.
7. Faulty Radiator Cap: The radiator cap is a valve, it control the pressure of the coolant in the radiator. If the pressure of the coolant exceeds the maximum level, then it will cause the engine to overheat.
8. Faulty injectors: I know many will be surprised to see this here, but the truth is that faulty injectors will cause the engine to overheat especially it the injectors tip has clogged.
9. Stuck piston rings: When the piston ring gets stuck to the piston due to too much carbon, it will cause it to overheat. The piston rings also help to cool the piston by transferring heat to the lubricant.

These are the things that causes Cummins 6.7L to overheat. Shop parts for your Cummins 6.7 engine with ProDieselParts. If your engine overheats, we carry everything you need to fix it and keep it running.

Watch a quick video on causes of cummins 6.7L engine overheating here.